Holy Week in Gandía, declared a Festival of National Tourist Interest, is here. From March 24 to 31 we can attend the processions, masses and other events of Holy Week in Gandía
Although it is believed that its roots date back to the Middle Ages, there is a record of its celebration in the city since the end of the 19th century, continuing continuously since 1952.
The most emblematic event of Gandía’s Holy Week is the “Visitatio Sepulchri”, a liturgical drama established in 1550 by San Francisco de Borja, patron saint of the town. This annual representation takes place on Holy Saturday and narrates the burial of Christ, the visit of “the Marys” to the tomb and the appearance of the angel announcing the resurrection.
Furthermore, between Monday and Sunday of Holy Week, numerous processions pass through the city, highlighting the Thursday night Meeting between Our Father Jesus of the Nazareth and the Virgin of Sorrows; the Holy Burial Procession on the night of Good Friday; and the Meeting of the resurrected Jesus with the Virgin Mary on Easter Sunday.
Holy Week in Gandía is not only a religious expression, but also a cultural event of community participation, which involves neighbors and is enriched thanks to their citizen involvement.
Brief history of Holy Week in Gandía
Holy Week in Gandia has its roots in a long religious tradition that goes back centuries. Although there are no precise records of when specific celebrations began in Gandia, it is believed that the city has been commemorating Holy Week since the Middle Ages.
The first documented evidence of the celebration of Holy Week in Gandia dates back to the end of the 19th century. However, it was from 1952 onwards that the festivities were consolidated continuously, year after year. Since then, Holy Week has been an integral part of the city’s cultural and religious calendar.

Uno de los eventos más significativos de la Semana Santa en Gandia es la “Visitatio Sepulchri“, un drama litúrgico que se representa anualmente en la ciudad desde 1550. Esta representación, establecida por San Francisco de Borja, patrón de la localidad, tiene lugar el Sábado Santo y relata la historia del entierro de Cristo, la visita de las mujeres al sepulcro y la aparición del ángel anunciador de la resurrección.
Además de la “Visitatio Sepulchri”, durante la Semana Santa se realizan numerosas procesiones que recorren las calles de Gandia. Estas procesiones, que van desde el Domingo de Ramos hasta el Domingo de Resurrección, incluyen pasos religiosos, cofradías y penitentes que participan en un ambiente de fervor y devoción.
A lo largo de los años, la Semana Santa en Gandia ha evolucionado para convertirse en una celebración que combina tanto aspectos religiosos como culturales. Es una ocasión en la que los residentes locales y los visitantes tienen la oportunidad de participar en actividades que reflejan la rica herencia cultural y religiosa de la ciudad. La Semana Santa en Gandia continúa siendo una manifestación significativa de la fe y la tradición en la comunidad, atrayendo a personas de todas partes para experimentar esta importante festividad.